
Feeling the need to apologize

There is a lot we could learn by looking back on who we were as a 7-year-old.

I took a course a while back and one of the questions was "What did you want to be when you were 7 years old." It's a terrible thing to be put on the spot and realize that no matter how happy you are in your current position, in your current life, that you did not end up doing what you set out to do at your most innocent. No, we cannot all be basketball players, astronauts or princesses, but maybe the saddest part is that most of us have forgotten that we at one time set out to do just that.

In addition, I've come to recognize that not only was I at my most innocent, and possibly most honest at that age, but also my most creative. Ask any 7 year old a question, chances are the answer -- and how they got to it -- are beyond what you would have ever thought of. That's the beauty of being 7.

So this blog is an ode to that time long gone, to the 7 year old who dreamed bigger than I ever did. He may not have been as practical, but he deserves an apology for all the times I haven't lived up to the outrageous image he had hoped for.

With Apologies to 7-year-old Me updates with regular blog posts every Monday and Thursday and biweekly top 5 list on Fridays.