Monday, August 22, 2011


I want to know how people used to play basketball in these.
I don’t have a lot of friends with kids, or at least I don’t spend a lot of time around their kids, but when I do, I have noticed something about those children that I never see in adults: they run everywhere.

However, I am living what some doctors would refer to as a sedentary lifestyle.

Without this getting into a creepy place, I want you to watch children next time you are around them and notice how often they run. Kids have places to be and they are going to get there as soon as possible. Better yet, try to remember back to grade school and look at the difference between kids in 4th grade to kids in 6th grade -- it’s about 2 feet and 14 mph.

This probably comes down to a number of things, but possibly one of the biggest reasons people older than 6 grade don’t run like they used to is because they don’t play like they used to. Sadly working as a journalist in a small town newspaper doesn’t allow for a whole lot of recess breaks. For some reason HR always gets a call whenever I ask co-workers to partake in a game of hide and go seek with me.

In addition, I have never been one for exercise, or sadly physical activity of almost any kind. Although I played sports in my youth, it was typically not because I was interested in them, and throughout college it was very uncommon to find me at the gym except for the quarter I took a wellness class. And even though I recently purchased a pair of shoes with the purpose of being used as running shoes, I have only taken them to the park with me a small handful of times.

I realize that physical health is something I should probably be working on. I was a big fan of walking in college and for the most part had no problem walking from building to building on campus and even taking long trips off campus to hit up the local library or grab a bite to eat. Even today I have no problem walking to my part-time job downtown or walking to any of the nearby bars to see friends. The problem is that when you spend so much time working in an office, and that office is so far from home, you tend to walk less and less. And now my only real physical activity during the day is the distance between my car door to the door of my apartment.

One of the good things I can say is that I have tried to make a more conscious effort in the past few years to eat healthier, with more veggies and I have almost completely cut red meats out of my diet. I do make other bad health choices, but I feel like some of these things are a step in the right direction.

So for this, I apologize to 7-year-old me not taking care of myself as well as you did, even if you didn’t know you were doing it. Yes, it may be awkward watching you run everywhere in family movies, but at least you were keeping active -- and having fun.

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